
If failure wouldn’t be an option…

Sunday mornings: let’s chat

what would you do if failure wouldn't be an option?


If failure would’t be an option…. I would go out there, rent a place and open my own chef’s studio.

I love food. I’ve got a BSc in Culinary Arts and I am now studying for my Masters Degree in food business. And I love cooking. I have always loved cooking. But more than anything I love cooking for other people. I believe that food has this amazing power of making people happy.

I have been working as a freelance private chef for the past couple of years. And it’s a tough job. Most of the times I’ve got no free weekends, no holidays and there’s a lot of pressure to deliver the perfect food each and every time. I must do all the shopping, prepare the food, drive for 1-2 hours out of London to remote locations, then cook, serve the food, do the dishes, leave the kitchen spotless, and finally drive back home.

But what really motivates me to keep doing this is the happiness that I see in people’s eyes. The joy, the laughter and all the buzz around the food that I cook and serve.

At my chef’s studio, I would cook for small parties and organise private events. I would do cooking demonstrations and private cooking lessons, and I would share my love and passion for food with other people.

I would also use the studio to do recipe testing, product development as well as food photography for my own cookery book.

If failure wouldn’t be an option, this is what I would do.

What would YOU do if failure wouldn’t be an option?

Andra Constantinescu

I am a classically trained chef, with a BSc in Culinary Arts and a Masters Degree in Food Business Management.

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